I loved the first and it seems like you took some of my advice. This one is a great improvement with more depth and different, yet realistic challenges. I like how you made the planes automatically stop for runways this time and navigated around each other on the tarmac. I would have liked to see a bit more variety with airports and ascetically different planes. The fog and night challenges were great. The only problem was that you couldn't turn off the music, but other than that, this is one of my favorite flash games ever. I will keep coming back to it.
I saw the whole "buy full version" thing. Now i don't know what is different about that, but seriously, even though i love this game, i am not going to spend money on it. I think next time you should stick with ads and not push your luck. The ads do provide a nice cool off after a stressful shift.
Sure, it is slow. Sure it is hard, but is fun and realistic and I love that. I think this is one of those "like it or don't" games, but I like it so kudos.